How Can You Tell if You Have Arthritis

If you notice your joints aren't as flexible as they used to be but are frequently potent and sore, it may be due to arthritis .

At More MD , experienced physician John Moran, MD offers comprehensive care for arthritis. Dr. Moran focuses on therapies to relieve your existing joint pain and help deadening the progression of the disease. He offers some insight into some of the early on warning signs you might experience if you're getting arthritis.

Why you lot take arthritis

There are over 100 different types of arthritis that tin can develop equally y'all get older or following an injury. The many types of arthritis target your joints, causing pain, inflammation, and stiffness and limiting your articulation'due south flexibility.

The two most mutual types of arthritis that affect many adults in the United States include osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.


Osteoarthritis is a chronic, degenerative joint disease that affects the soft tissues that line your joints. Your joints are fabricated up of bone, cartilage, and ligaments that all work together to give y'all range of motion.

Owing to historic period-related changes in your trunk, the cartilage that lines the end of the bones in your joints begins to pause down and wear abroad.

This cartilage normally protects your joints and prevents the bones from rubbing together. Without this tissue, movements create friction and inflammation in your joint that leads to pain.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of inflammatory disease. This kind of arthritis also targets the lining of your joint but it'due south your immune system that mistakenly attacks the otherwise healthy tissue.

The attack causes chronic inflammation and hurting that makes information technology difficult to motility your joints.

Arthritis can develop in any of your joints but is specially mutual in your knees, spine, wrists, and hips. Over time and without treatment, arthritis can limit your physical mobility and leave you in chronic pain.

Early warning signs of arthritis

Joint pain may not occur until your arthritis is well-advanced. However, at that place are other warning signs that you lot should look out for to help you stay on top of your status.

Some of the early warnings signs of arthritis may include:

1. Morn joint stiffness

Articulation stiffness when you first wake up is often a sign of the early stages of arthritis. This stiffness typically lasts for a few minutes if you're developing osteoarthritis. If you have stiffness that lasts for hours at a time, it may be an indication yous have rheumatoid arthritis.

2. Joint swelling

Swollen joints are a sign that your arthritis is worsening. Your joints may announced noticeably larger than usual and y'all may discover they feel warm to the bear on.

Swelling in your joints can occur occasionally at showtime and concluding for several days. As your weather worsens, your joints may exist frequently swollen and difficult to move.

3. Fever

Rheumatoid arthritis can cause a low-class fever. If you have a fever and joint pain, it tin be an early alarm sign of arthritis or an underlying infection.

4. Numbness and tingling

When you accept arthritis and your joints become inflamed, they tin can put force per unit area on your nerves. This pressure level can cause numbness or tingling sensations in and around the joint. Y'all may also feel burning sensations that radiate into other parts of your body when yous motility your articulation.

5. Chronic fatigue

A non-and then-obvious alarm sign of arthritis is chronic fatigue. As your joints wear down, you lot may feel unusually tired. Fatigue tin can occur earlier other more obvious signs of arthritis begins. Some people experience fatigue that lasts for a few days but progresses to longer periods of time.

If you notice you're developing signs of arthritis, you tin can schedule a diagnostic evaluation at More Physician to ho-hum its progression and go alee of your joint hurting and stiffness. Call the office to schedule an date or book 1 online today.

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