Welcome to the ESO Mirri Elendis Companion Basics Guide. Mirri Elendis is one of the outset Companions that you can gain access to in ESO. Companions are built then they can fulfill whatever role, that means y'all tin can play Mirri Elendis every bit a damage dealer, healer or tank. In this guide nosotros are going to take a wait at the basics of Mirri Elendis, how to unlock her, how to level her upwards, skills and more.

Mirri Elendis Builds can exist establish on the Mirri Builds Page.

You can find a full list of all Mirri skills on the eso-hub.com Mirri Skills Page.

You can also observe a Companion Basics Guide for everything related to Companions.

Table of Contents:

  • Unlock Mirri
  • Leveling Mirri
  • How to obtain Gear for Mirri
  • Skills for Mirri
  • Rapports for Mirri
  • Combat Beliefs

Unlock Mirri Elendis

To unlock the Companion Mirri Elendis you lot volition take to complete her questline. Mirri can be institute in the Doomvault Vulpinaz objective in the north of Blackwood. The quest that you have to complete is called "Shattered and Scattered".

For further help I do recommend watching the video below on how to unlock Mirri Elendis as a Companion.

In one case unlocked yous can activate her in the Collections > Allies > Companions.

Companions Where are they located ESO

Leveling Mirri

Companions level up merely by gaining experience points from killing enemies. You lot can grind your way to max level to unlock all the Companions features if y'all prefer this. The Mages Guild, Fighters Lodge and Undaunted are unlocked by completing a daily quest from these guilds.

To level upwardly the Mages Guild, Fighters Guild and Undaunted you will have to complete dailies for the guilds repeatedly till you reach the max level.

  • For annihilation related to grinding I do recommend reading the Grind Guide.

How to obtain gear for Mirri

Companion gear in ESO is dissimilar from role player gear, there is no overlap between them. Once yous unlock a Companion, they will start out with basic white quality not-traited equipment.

Companion equipment doesn't have levels, can't be enchanted, doesn't require repairs and doesn't include an inherent way appearance.

You can purchase bones companion gear from a Weaponsmith, Woodworker, Armorer, Leatherworker and Tailor merchants to customize the role of your companion appropriately.

Higher quality gear can be obtained from monster drops throughout the earth, particularly from bosses. The current drop rate seems to be fairly low, therefore don't expect to get good Companion gear inside a few boss kills.

Possible traits that you tin use on your ESO Companions:

  • Quickened (Cooldown Reduction)
  • Prolific (Ultimate Generation)
  • Focused (Critical Strike Chance)
  • Shattering (Penetration)
  • Ambitious (Impairment Done)
  • Soothing (Healing Done)
  • Augmented (Ability Vitrify and Debuff Duration)
  • Bolstered (Reduce Damage Taken)
  • Vigorous (Max Health)

Skills for Mirri Elendis

The Companion Mirri has plenty of skills to choose from, that is as well i of the reasons why Mirri tin can play all the roles. Each of the roles/builds below will have a different allocation of skills.

It is important to note that Companions will automatically employ skills and the ultimate according to how they are set on the skill bar, basically going from i to 5 + Ultimate.

You can find a full listing of all the available skills for the Companion Mirri on ESO-Hub.com in the Companion Skills: Mirri Elendis Overview Page.

Mirri Class Skills

  • Mortiferous Assassin
  • Living Shade
  • Soul Thief

Weapon Skills

  • Bow
  • Destruction Staff
  • Dual Wield
  • One Hand and Shield
  • Restoration Staff
  • Two Handed

Armor Skills

  • Heavy Armor
  • Light Armor
  • Medium Armor

Guild Skills

  • Fighters Guild
  • Mages Guild
  • Undaunted

Mirri Race Skills

  • Nighttime Elf Skills

Mirri Rapports

The Rapport part indicates how much a Companion likes or dislikes you. Depending on your actions in the earth the Rapport can increase or decrease. Each Companion has personal preferences which yous tin learn about in their dialogue.

At a higher level of the Rapport, the Companion will share more personal details with you and unlock special quests. If the Rapport level is very depression it may be that the Companion tin can not be summoned for a while.

Companions Rapport Blackwood ESO

What does Mirri similar and dislike?

Please visit the Rapport Guide for more than information on what Mirri likes and dislikes.

Combat Behavior

Yous can set dissimilar combat behaviors for your Mirri Companion. Depending on what you try to do, you can either set up her equally a damage dealer, healer or tank. Information technology is as well recommended to check out the setups below for the preferred setup, because y'all desire to change the gear and skill priority depending on the part.

The Mirri Elendis Companion works all-time if played as a ranged office, that manner you tin can avert a lot of deaths for her.

  • Magicka Damage Dealer
  • Stamina Damage Dealer
    • Bow
    • Ii Hander
    • Dual Wield
  • Healer
  • Tank

Mirri Elendis Lore – Meet the Graphic symbol

cited from the official ESO website regarding the Mirri Elendis Companion.

Larn about Mirri Elendis, one of the two new Companions you can recruit with the Blackwood Affiliate.

Hall Steward Delte Nethri,

Hail and well met, comrade! Regarding your recent request for an expert on Daedric matters of a sensitive nature, might I recommend Mirri Elendis? Even as a relatively immature Dark Elf, she has already made a reputation for herself in Mournhold and the surrounding countryside. I take no incertitude that she could be a help to you in Vivec City or wherever the Fighters Club requires assistance.

Mirri comes from a pocket-sized Dark Elf family that has a somewhat checkered reputation for recovering aboriginal relics, peculiarly items tied to Daedra and the Daedric Princes. Her begetter was a former Hlaalu merchant who wasn't above trading some of the antiquities they caused for golden or favors, while her mother was more than of a procurer of said curiosities, delving into ruins with audacity and aplomb. I can confirm that Mirri definitely takes after the maternal side of the family.

Mirri'southward work for u.s.a. here in Mournhold has been a blessing, even if the Ordinators sometimes look askew at her methods. Not merely has she been an asset in our study and subsequent bulldoze to deal with the Dark Anchors that litter the landscape far and wide, she has also been invaluable when it comes to certain missions we have been charged with by the Tribunal Temple. I don't know how information technology is for you in the city of the Living God, Vivec, merely our guildhall's proximity to Mother Almalexia encourages her to utilize us as though nosotros were some other arm of her Ordinators. It pays well, and then who am I to complain?

Luckily, Mirri holds the Tribunal in loftier esteem, and though she is nowhere nigh what whatever of united states of america would call orthodox, she possesses a driving interest in the Anticipations and how they relate to the Living Gods. So, tracking down relics related to the Anticipations for the Tribunal has solidified her position every bit a worthy consultant in all matters concerning the Daedra. She isn't a worshiper of the Daedra, if that'due south your business organisation. Just she analyzes them the way a kwama miner studies every aspect of the insects they go along and the eggs those creatures lay. As Mirri likes to say, "Yous tin can't fetching bargain with an enraged alit unless you know what made information technology fetching mad in the first identify." For that reason, she has dedicated herself to knowing all she tin can nigh Daedra and Daedric relics.

Now, I don't want you to go the wrong thought. Mirri is competent and hard-working, but she'south in no fashion easy to deal with. She despises authority figures and constantly skirts along the edge of trouble with the local law. She bends the rules nearly to the breaking point, only she gets things done. When she doesn't become her mode, her mood turns darker than the bottom of Malacath's black boot. And the merely thing fouler than her mood is her mouth—she curses like a Ocean Elf pirate! I remember the start time she graced our hall with her presence, Mirri felt that Soris Rothan had insulted her in some way. She unleashed a barrage of profanities upon the poor sod that concluded by proclaiming him "a scrib sucking s'wit with lips an alit wouldn't osculation!" We laughed for well-nigh an 60 minutes over that!

I wouldn't want a guildhall full of Mirri Elendis's, but I wouldn't trade the one I've been using for all the scrib jerky in Morrowind. And you know I love my scrib jerky! If you need a Daedric consultant to delve into the ruins and tombs that decorate the Vvardenfell wilderness, or if you have a mission that requires Daedric expertise in Blackwood or anywhere else in Tamriel, you won't notice a meliorate hire than Mirri Elendis. On that, y'all have my word.

Belderi Llenim, Armsman, Mournhold Guildhall

Related Companion Content

  • Mirri Basics Guide
  • Companion Basics Guide
  • Companion Category Overview Page
  • Mirri Skills Overview Page
  • Bastian Hallix Basics Guide

FAQ Companions

Frequently asked question most the Companion System in ESO.

How to level up Companions in ESO Alcast 2021-10-03T08:41:10+00:00

Companions level up simply by gaining experience points from killing enemies. Yous tin grind your way to max level to unlock all the Companions features if yous prefer this. The Mages Lodge, Fighters Guild and Undaunted are unlocked by simply completing a daily from these Guilds. To level up the Mages Guild, Fighters Order and Undaunted you will have to complete dailies for the guilds repeatedly till y'all attain the max level.

  • For anything related to grinding I do recommend reading the Grind Guide.
How to customize Companions in ESO? Alcast 2021-05-15T11:07:42+00:00

In the Companion Menu on the top right side you desire to visit the Collectibles section where you can assign costumes from the Appearance tab or mounts in the Mount tab.

  • Whatever appearance or mount that you unlocked on your own characters can exist utilized for the Companion.
  • you lot can also change the outfit of a Companion at the Outfit Station.

Companion mounts and appearance Blackwood ESO

Here you tin see an example of both the Thespian and the Companion being on a mount in Blackwood.

Player and Companion mounted Blackwood ESO

How does the Rapport organization for Companions work? Alcast 2021-05-15T11:06:26+00:00

The rapport describes what kind of relationship you lot accept with a companion. Every companion has personal preferences which will touch how they experience nigh the player over time, based on their actions. Acting against a companion'south ethics will cause their rapport with the companion to decrease. Taking actions they favor volition drive the player'southward rapport with that companion up.

While this has no result on their skills or their abilities, information technology will have an effect on their gameplay. At to the lowest degree when it comes to extremely disliking the player. If a companion hates the histrion, they might not be able to stand them much longer and will unsummon themselves for a while.
In gild to build rapport with a companion, performing average actions is a must — either by questing, leveling or other in-game actions like stealing. This tin go both ways, and then the player should exist aware of what they similar and what they dislike.
The more a companion likes the role player, the more personal quests become available to the player afterward having completed the initial quest.
Tin Companions PVP in ESO? Alcast 2021-05-15T11:05:31+00:00

Companions won't be able to be summoned in PvP instances, in single actor arenas or in housing instances. Too, in instances where yous can't navigate to your grapheme and talk to them, they volition be briefly invisible, such as while swimming.

Where can I notice Companion Gear in ESO? Alcast 2021-05-15T11:03:54+00:00

Companion gear in ESO is different from player gear, there is no overlap between them. In one case you unlock a Companion, they will start out with basic white quality non-traited equipment.

Companion equipment doesn't take levels, tin't be enchanted, doesn't crave repairs and doesn't include an inherent style advent.

Y'all can purchase bones companion gear from a Weaponsmith, Woodworker, Armorer, Leatherworker and Tailor merchants to customize the role of your companion accordingly.

College quality gear can exist obtained from monster drops throughout the world, peculiarly from bosses.

What is the Companion System in ESO? Alcast 2021-05-15T11:00:47+00:00

The Companion Organization in ESO is a new characteristic of the game that launched with the Blackwood Chapter. This allows yous to summon a Companion (basically like a 2nd character) that will follow y'all effectually. The Companion can help fight, be information technology as a damage dealer, healer or tank. Currently at that place are two Companions, Mirri Elendis a Dark Elf and Bastian Hallix an Imperial.

You can detect more info about the Companion System in the Companion Organization Guide.

Bastian Hallix Guides:

  • Bastian Basics
  • Bastian Builds

Mirri Elendis Guides:

  • Mirri Basics
  • Mirri Builds
Where tin I unlock the Bastian Hallix Companion in ESO? Alcast 2021-05-15T10:55:39+00:00

If you have access to the Blackwood Chapter, y'all can unlock Bastian Hallix through completing the associated quest in the Blackwood zone.

  • The Companion level up progress is account wide, so you only have to level Bastian up once.
  • You lot have to unlock Bastian Hallix on each graphic symbol through the started quest.

Bastian tin be constitute in the Deepscorn Hollow objective along the southwest coast of Blackwood. The quest that y'all have to consummate is called "Contest and Contracts".

Where can I unlock the Mirri Elendis Companion in ESO Alcast 2021-05-15T10:54:51+00:00

If you have admission to the Blackwood Affiliate, y'all can unlock Mirri Elendis through completing the associated quest in the Blackwood zone.

  • The Companion level up progress is account wide, so you only accept to level Mirri upward once.
  • Yous have to unlock Mirri Elendis on each character through the started quest.

Mirri can be found in the Doomvault Vulpinaz objective in north Blackwood. The quest that you have to complete is called "Shattered and Scattered".

Where can I unlock the Companions in ESO? Alcast 2021-05-15T10:53:07+00:00

If y'all accept access to the Blackwood Chapter, y'all can unlock two companions through completing associated quests in the Blackwood zone.

  • The Companion level upwards progress is business relationship wide.
  • You take to unlock the Companions on each character.

Bastian Companion Location

Bastian can be institute in the Deepscorn Hollow objective along the southwest coast of Blackwood. The quest that you accept to complete is called "Contest and Contracts".

Mirri Companion Location

Mirri tin be found in the Doomvault Vulpinaz objective in north Blackwood. The quest that you have to consummate is called "Shattered and Scattered".