650 pound Virgin Hits the Gym Again After Gaining All His Weight Back

Kenneth Brumley, 1,035 pounds

TLC - Half-ton man

Information technology'due south day x of my 'lose 12 pounds in ix weeks' plan.

Yesterday wasn't a perfect day like I had hoped. I fabricated the healthy Eggplant Parmesan with bulgur and pine nuts recipe I linked here a few days ago. YUK! Totally gross. It was a ton of work and tasted awful. I hated the eggplant and ordinarily I love eggplant. I've never eaten bulgur earlier, and I never will over again. Totally yukky. Strangely my married man loved both dishes, and he'southward not one to say he likes something if he doesn't. I wanted to throw them both in the trash.

After dinner (and I ate very piddling) I ate tortilla chips. My hubby had bought them. I would never bring them in the business firm. Normally I would just ignore the chips but he found a make that tastes just like the handmade ones at my favorite Mexican eating place. I tried them the last fourth dimension he bought them. I loved them merely only ate a couple chips that fourth dimension. 13 chips are 170 calories and ix grams of fat. I ate about 100 chips last night. This time I didn't practise the math. I didn't want to know.

On top of this I skipped the gym, ii days in a row. This is not like me at all. In fact, I had that little feeling of fear. That voice in my head was going, "I told you that you couldn't do this. You're going to neglect and proceeds back all eighty pounds plus more." The other voice tried to comfort me, tell me it was okay, I was still sore from Friday'southward workout, it was okay to have two days off in a row from the gym. The last time I did that was when I had the flu in Apr.

Later on my flake pigout, I watched tv (let's see, no practice, chips, and TV...sounds similar the onetime me). TLC had on iii programs, back to back: One-half-ton mom, One-half-ton dad, and 650-pound virgin. I watched all iii.

TLC often has these types of documentaries and they e'er scare the crap out of me. I always think, that could be me. When I told my hubby what I was thinking, that I could easily weigh that much, he looked at me like I'd grown horns and a tail. His words were "No way!". We've had this discussion before and he never believes me. Yet I know in my heart that it really could happen, I really could become one of the super obese and probably even become bedridden.

My hubby kept saying he just couldn't empathise how anyone could permit themselves go to that point of weighing one,000 pounds. My husband doesn't have the same relationship with nutrient that I have with it.

He doesn't deprive himself, he eats what he wants, he's not freaked out that he's 50 pounds overweight, and from what I've seen, he really doesn't sympathize the concept of going on a diet. He'll "cut dorsum", only he won't diet where he'southward hungry and consumed past thoughts of nutrient.

Basically, he doesn't get "it", the whole thought of food as condolement, food as a friend, food that will numb the hurting. He thinks of food as sustenance. If he's hungry, he eats. He doesn't understand that I feel hungry most of the time. When I whine that I'm so hungry I could only dice, his response is commonly, "well, swallow something!" or "simply don't think well-nigh it". Neither is helpful.

Watching those TLC shows did scare me. I understand those people. I understand how easy information technology would be to skid up day after day, to eat with carelessness, and then one mean solar day wake upwards super obese (which is a BMI of l-lx). The 1-ton dad said it was so easy to just let himself go, and once he got to where he was (1,035 pounds) information technology seemed impossible to change.

I don't desire to current of air up in that location. I don't want to slip up day later day, and eat with carelessness. I don't want to wind up back where I started, Not THIS TIME.

Plan for today:

1.) Number one priority is to hitting the gym when it opens at 8 a.m. 50 minutes of cardio, forty minutes of upper body strength.

two.) Swallow my 19 base Points plus four APs for a total of 23. That'southward going to be hard but I'm going to practice my best exercise stay inside that limit

3.) Remember half-ton mom, half-ton dad, and 650-pound virgin. Keep them forefront in my thoughts. I don't want to exist them, and I know it could happen if I'one thousand non careful.

Note: Please don't think I recall badly of the people I saw in these TLC documentaries. My heart goes out to them. I know it sounds strange and most people probably won't even believe me, simply I can totally relate to these people. I know how easy that could happen to me, but I plan on doing everything in my power to not let information technology happen to me

Half-ton mom, Renee Williams, died of a massive heart attack 2 weeks later gastric bypass surgery. I was crying at the end of that show. She was only 29 and left behind a 13 year-quondam daughter. One-half-ton dad, Kenneth Brumley (pictured higher up at his heaviest), had gastric bypass surgery and is at home yet losing weight. He's lost 489 pounds lost so far, and weighs 521 pounds. I think he's going to brand it. 650-pound virgin, David Smith, had lost over 410 pounds without whatever weight loss surgery and had skin removal surgery. He's a hottie and is out in the dating world. I doubt he's still a virgin.


Source: http://diana135.blogspot.com/2009/09/day-10-half-ton-mom-half-ton-dad-650-lb.html

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